Step 1: Ensure the water heater is turned on
Check to make sure the water heater is turned on. The water temperature, and/or a green light on the “on/off” button should be displayed. The water heater control panel is generally found near the kitchen (in many cases, there is a second control panel near the bathtub. If the water heater was turned off, press the “on/off” button and check to see if you have hot water. If the water heater is turned on but you still have no hot water, proceed to step #2.

Step 2: Reset the gas meter
Locate the gas meter, which will be located outside, generally in the vicinity of the gas tanks. On the gas meter screen, you should see three circles lined up horizontally. If a letter (any letter) appears in any one of these circles, the gas meter needs to be reset (if the gas is functioning properly, all three circles will be empty). Press the reset button firmly. After thirty seconds to a minute, the letter should disappear from the circle and you should see three empty circles, indicating that the gas is functioning properly again. Check to see if you have hot water.

If you still have no hot water, or if your hot water continues to go out frequently over a short period of time, contact your gas company (their contact information can be found on the gas meter, or in the “Explanation of Important Points” contract you received at the time of signing). For translation assistance, please contact the Base Housing Office or your relocation agency (i.e. H&R Consultants/Relo Japan, Silk Relo, Japan Mobility, etc.)
words and terms
入 :on
切 :off